Yard Waste Pick UP

August 14, 2024

Hatton Chase Residents,

Let’s band together and take a united stance on the inconsistency of our yard waste pick-up.  We know the city is experiencing a personnel shortage, but we also know when calls are made, the service we pay for is often rendered.  Below are instructions and a phone number to log concerns to the proper authorities.  When making calls or completing the online form, let’s lookout for one another by giving the name of our community along with our home address; by doing this, we increase our chances for community pick-up.

To request collection service or report a problem with collection, please call (904) 630-CITY (2489) or visit the MyJax online customer service website at myjax.custhelp.com.

Please help by voicing your complaints to the following individuals:

David Searcy – District Mgr WastePro, dsearcy@wasteprousa.com

Will Williams – COJ Chief of Solid Waste, WillW@coj.net, 904-25-7500, Option 5

John Pappas – COJ Director of Public Works, PAPPAS@coj.net

Remember, there’s power in numbers and with that power, we are #hattonchasestrong.


Hatton Chase BOD